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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 11, 1965, II.  

[[margin]] BQ [[/margin]]

Another bird does phrases "Zee zee zee zee zee zeeyoo." Singles

4:10. There are some small hummingbirds in the Erythrina here from time to time, but that is all so far. 

4:58. See what appears to be a White-lined Tanager, in hedge-like scrub. Quite alone.

Leaving 5:05. Everything absolutely dead!

[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]]

NOTE: The Erythrinas here constantly seem to be more than over-ripe! Not attractive at all.

April 12, 1965

Working by hotel. Starting 6:05 am. Still quite dark. A fair amount of dawn song. Apparently mostly by flycatchers

Hear what may be first BQ Song 6:15 am. All phrases "Kew kew kassssrrsssya." (Sometimes extra "Intro" "Kew" invited." Phrase after phrase at rapid repeated intervals. Not organized into doublets or triplets Then bird flies away 6:17.

CORRECTION: Bird back, singing as before. This time I see it. Definitely a Myiozetetes-type flycatcher.

BT's also singing noisily from 6:14 on. Sound quite like the Parania birds.

[[margin]] BQ [[/margin]]

Hear what is almost certainly real BQ 6:33. "Kazeezee-zeezeezee" type phrases. In Eucalypt Then see bird. About 20-25 ft above ground. Singing phrase after phrase. Many of the "Kazeezeezee....." type. Number of "zee"s quite variable 4-8