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[[circled]] 91 [[/circled]]

Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 12, 1965. VII.

[[left margin]]Bari[[/left margin]]
4:01 pm. Male Bari back. NOD. I think that the male here this afternoon is the juv. male. In any case, this male flies off almost immediately.
[[left margin]]Glor[[/left margin]]
Perhaps it is only the female Bari that irritates the Glor???
[[left margin]]BQ[[/left margin]]
4:10 pm. BQ singing in distance. Phrases in doublets.
[[left margin]]Glor Bari[[/left margin]]
Well Well! 4:40 pm. Glor suddenly appears. Flies to Erythrina. Feeds quite a long time. Then flies off again. NOD. The interesting thing about this episode was that the Glor came to the Erythrina from a new direction, quite the opposite of its usual approach. From a tree which is (or used to be) well within the territory of the Baris. (And where I also saw XCC a few days ago). This tree is, in fact, the one from which the Baris usually approach the Erythrina, I.E. either the territories of the Glor and Baris are overlapping more than they used to, or the Baris are in retreat before the Glor.  
[[left margin]]Glor Bari[[/left margin]]
4:51. Glor back. NOD. Didn't see where it came from, but it certainly went back into the "Bari tree."
[[left margin]]Colibri[[/left margin]]
NOTE: The Colibri coruscans are much noisier now than a few days ago. Also beginning to perform aerial displays. They may be coming into breeding condition.
[[left margin]]Glor[[/left margin]]
5:07 Glor back in Erythrina. NOD. Flies away. First to Eucalypt in "old territory" then into "Bari tree"
[[left margin]]Glor[[/left margin]]
5:25 pm. See Glor near center of "old territory." Just flying by. NOD.
[[left margin]]BQ[[/left margin]]
5:35. Ad & juv. BQ still around in their usual tree. Juv. still Begging.
Leaving 5:45 pm. Heavy rains starting.
[[left margin]]Gen[[/left margin]]
COMMENT: I have just been struck by the fact that there are many resemblances between the "diglossine situation" here