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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 5, 1965, VI  (96)

[[left margin]] Bari Colibri [[/left margin]]
and vice versa. Then ♂ Bari flies in, from opposite direction. I.E. ♂ & ♀ certainly are not associating with one another all the time. Also ignores coruscans. Coruscans eventually flies off. ♂ & ♀ Bari feed peacefully about 10-15 ft apart. Apparently ignoring one another. NOD. Then ♀ flies off, back to "old" Glor territory. ♂ does not follow. Remains behind in tree and continues feeding.

[[left margin]] BQ Bari [[/left margin]]
Then, 9:51, adult BQ lands in tree. And starts to chase ♂ Bari. Supplants ♂ Bari at least 4 times.  ♂ Bari retreats without resistance, but apparently does not leave tree (at once). But then both birds disappear.

[[margin]] BQ [[/left margin]]
[[drawn image of 2 birds postures during bowing]]
High Bow -> [[arrow points to image]]
Can't see if CR is present or not.
Low Bow -> [[arrow points to image]]

[[left margin]] BQ [[left margin]]
9:54am. Two adult BQ's appear in tree. Flitting about close together. Doing lots of slight irregular Bowing (highest and lowest postures during Bowing shown above). Also some pivoting, apparently unritualized. Most of the Bowing accompanied by extreme fluffing or ruffling of the belly feathers. Breast feathers much less fluffed ("bulge" of breast definitely separated from "bulges" of belly - and flank - feathers). Also usually accompanied by erection of yellow rump feathers. Sometimes very extreme.  Wings drooped, but not spread or Quivered. All this presumably accompanied by some vo 


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