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Mixed Diglossini, April 3, 1965, IX 

[[margin]] BQ [[/margin]]
3:24. Adult BQ visits Erythrina. Feeds on flowers. NOD. Quite silent. Only stays a minute.

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]] 
3:26. ♂ Bari visits Erythrina briefly. Utters loud single "Tsit"s at rather regular intervals. NOD. Flies off in direction "original" Bari area.

[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] 
3:35. Hear what sounds like Songs tanager LXXVI (Delothraupis type) coming from tree which has been visited by Glor, BQ's, and XCC. (Non-flowering.) Unfortunately, I can't see bird now. Most songs like those heard a couple of days ago. But a couple of phrases with many more "Zeeeee" Notes (up to at least 10 or 12 in one case.)

4:00 pm. It is now cloudy, but still windy. Getting cold.

[[margin]] Glor [[/margin]]
4:06  Glor back in Erythrina briefly. NOD.
[[margin]] Bari BQ [[/margin]]
Surprise! 4:11. ♂Bari lands in tree. Silent. Alone. NOD. Feeds very placidly on flowers for some time. Then an adult BQ lands in tree. Only 6 inches - 1 foot from ♀ Bari! The ♀ Bari stops feeding and looks intently at BQ. BQ just stands there, apparently quite unafraid. No display by either bird. This continues for almost a minute. Then the BQ gradually, slowly moves off to far side tree. I lose sight of it. ♀
Bari resumes feeding as (and where) she was before. Continues for some minutes. Then flies off into "original" Bari area.

So the ♀ Bari certainly does not always attack BQ's.

[margin]] Bari [[/margin]]
Thinking it over, it is really amazing how many specific contacts here have involved Baris!!!

[[margin]] Gen Bari [[/margin]]
4:28 ♀ Redstart in tree briefly. No Diglossini around. There both  ♂ & ♀ Bari appears ♂ utters occasionial "Tut." NOD. Then both fly off into "old Glor" area