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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 13, 1965, X

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]]
4:44 a little distance down road, see single adult BG perched exposed top small tree 12 ft above ground. Singing madly. Both single and double  phrases, "Deedeedeedeedeedee", "Deedeedeedeedeedee see yaa see yaa", "Deedeedeedeedeedee seeyaa deedeedeedee" sort of thing. Unritualized posture. NOD.

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]]
See adult BQ feeding juv. Juv. Begging in usual way. After feeding the young, the adult turns and chases another adult BQ in same tree. Redirection? Chase with "Tsit" Notes.

[[left margin]] BQ Bari [[/left margin]]
I can't tell "Tsit" Notes BQ's and ♂ & ♀ Bari apart. 

[[left margin]] Bari BQ [[/left margin]]
4:56. ♂ & ♀ Bari in aerial chase with 3rd bird. Can't identify latter definitely, but probably juv. BQ. In any case, 3rd bird drops out and the 2 Baris go to feed in Erythrina. NOD. A minute or so latter, juv. BQ flies into same tree. Lands some distance away from Baris. But the latter eventually see it. Twice, one or both Bari(s) supplant(s) juv. BQ. But the BQ never retreats very far. A third time, the ♀ Bari flies to the juv. BQ, in an apparent supplant attempt, it doesn't budge and she retreats. Then all three birds feed more or less close together. It is my impression that the juv. BQ is showing a slight tendency to follow the Baris. But it definitely does not Beg from them. 

I lose sight of all 3 birds approximately same time. 
Leaving 5:10. Rain starting.

NOTE: The very rainy season here is approximately April-July. (I used to think that Paramo La Negra was relatively dry. After seeing the Western Cordillera of Colombia, however, I think that it may be relatively wet. Vide distribution Albis, Yellow-bellies, etc.)

Transcription Notes:
juv = juvenile