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Mixed Diglossini, I

August 30, 1965
Paramo La Negra

Going to work in the same general region again this morning. Arrive 5:32am. Still completely dark, sky appears to be largely clear.

[[margin]] Coer? [[/margin]]
8850ft. Along side path. See single Coer feeding on tubular or aug red flowers (described elsewhere) 6:45 et seg Along edge of small bare rock slide. Silent and alone.

[[margin]] Cy? [[/margin]]
Then see brighter Blue Diglossa feeding in bushes 10-15ft uphill. This looks Cy-color. But unfortunately I can't be absolutely sure because light is bad (sun almost directly in my eyes).

This this brighter blue bird disappears.  The undoubted Coer gradually moves uphill, past area where the brighter blue bird was earlier. Now picking insects off leaves.

[[margin]] Glor Coer? [[/margin]]
Then a single Glor appears. Feeding red tubular flowers, in approximate are where bright blue bird was earlier, i.e. area thru which Coer had passed.  Glor is about 20 ft downhill from where Coer is now. The two birds certainly in plain view of one another. But there is no apparent reaction between them. Then Glor disappears.

[[margin]] Coer? Cy? [[/margin]]
Then another Blue Diglossa flies into bush near undoubted Coer. Rapid flight. Lands only 1ft from undoubted Coer. This approach looks like "inhibited attack". And the "attacker" appears to be bright blue - i.e. a Cy!  "Attack apparently silent.

[[margin]] Coer? [[/margin]]
Undoubted Coer moves away gradually. Probably being repelled by the presence of the"attacker". But its retreat is slow. Not a hurried escape!

[[margin]] Cy? [[/margin]]
At same time, presumed Cy disappears. Probably moving in opposite