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Mixed Deglossini, Aug. 30 1965, V    

s to be fairly clear. Only I need more observations of specific reactions between different species of Diglossas.

The local hummingbirds are particularly interesting.

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]]
This morning's observations would confirm my previous impression that Scans are not members of the local "Diglossine Social Complex" here. Why??? They certainly compete with the local Diglossas to some extent.

[[left margin]] LCH Cinn [[/left margin]] 
The LCH here seems to play exactly the same social role here as the Cinn on Puracé! Is there any connection between this social role and rufous coloration??? Are the LCH and the Cinn particularly closely related to one another?

August 31, 1965, 
Pico Espejo


[[left margin]] Glor Brun Gloriss [[/left margin]]
COMMENT: It is my impression that the color of the bellies of the Glors here is like that of the Gloriss's on Paramo Frontino, I.E the different color of the bellies of Bruns at Frontino may be due to "character divergence."

September 1, 1965
Pico Espejo

Going to work from Station #1 this morning. Arrive 7:20 am. Weather fine Working along usual uphill path (which has been cleared since my last visit).

Transcription Notes:
Cinn = Cinnamon-bellied flowerpiercer, Diglossa baritula? He always referred to them as Bari's before this... Puracé = Puracé National Park? Gloriss = Diglossa gloriosissima? or Diglossa gloriosa? Brun = Diglossa brunneiventris?