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[[circled]] 111 [[/circled]]

Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 2, 1965, III 

pay any attention (it is looking in opposite direction). Scan Song is still NODWAH. Then Scan shuts up.

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]]
Some PL Song in distance 7:05. NODWAH. Then a Scan starts singing in distance. Completely overlaps PL. Then both birds shut up.

[[left margin]] LCH Cy [[/left margin]]
7:10. LCH has gone. And Cy reappears. Feeds on usual red flowers in usual way. Also utters a lot of song phrases. All phrases [[eneutially?]] similar. "Trit tsit esit taseee taseee[[squiggle]eeyoo." NODWAH. Then Cy flies off.

[[left margin]] Scan Cy [[/left margin]]
Then Scan starts "cluck" song again. And Cy beings to sing again. Completely overlapped by Scan. Again & again & again. I.E. there doesn't seem to be even the slightest trace of inhibition between Scan and Cy. (Possibly Scan Song even stimulates Cy Song!!!) Then Cy shuts up. Scan continues. Then Cy starts again. Again repeatedly completely overlapped by Scan.

[[left margin]] LCH Gen Scan Cy [[/left margin]]
LCH comes back 7:15. Cy & Scan both shut up at approximately same time. LCH feeds on same tubular red flowers as all the local species of Diglossa. Then Scan sings again. LCH flees off.

7:18. More Cy songs completely overlapped by Scan.
7:20. Single Cy back feeding usual places in usual ways. LCH not [[nimble?]]. Cy Sings frequently. All Song overlapped by Scan in distance. 

[[left margin]] Cy Scan [[/left margin]]
Then Cy flies off. 

[[left margin]] Cy Glor Gen Cy [[/left margin]]
There are at least 2 different Cys who sing in this general area from time to time. 
What has happened to the Glors here??? Have they been driven away by LCH (and/or Cys)???
Hear Cy Singing in distance. NODWAH.
Suddenly, there is a terrific aerial flight and chase between two hummingbirds in area. I think it is a case of LCH attacking Scan!

[[left margin]] LCH Scan [[/left margin]]
Both birds fly off immediately.