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[[circled]] 116 [[/circled]]

Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 2, 1965, VIII 

of other humming birds - at least partially - but I have not seen enough of the latter to say anything definite about their interspecific relationships.

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]]
I certainly saw one aerial dispute between a Scan and another (smaller) hummingbird. The latter may have been a "Rufous-tail."

[[margin]] BQ Scan [[/margin]] 
Both BQ's and Scans Sang with some appreciable frequency  this afternoon. All BQ songs were "double phrases." No overlaps. (And, at one time, a BQ and 2 Scans were singing frequently enough to suggest that the avoidance of overlaps was deliberate!)

September 3, 1965

Going to take a brief look at the birds in the hotel garden this morning. Starting 6:13 a.m. just getting light. Clear. Comparatively cool.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] 
Some rather brief "cluck" song 6:15am. NODWAH. Then some more. Apparently by several different individuals. Then silence.

[[margin]] BQ [[/margin]] 
Just Twitters [[?]] probably are BG 6:19. NODWAH. Start out as single phrases. Then become double. Then become triple. All by same individual!

[[left margin]] BG [[/left margin]]
BG phrases overlapping [[wrea?]] noises at random. Also a variety of other birds. 6:21. But not hummingbirds.

[[left margin]] BG [[/left margin]]
Some BG triple phrases might be transcribed as: "Zuh-zuh-wuh zuh-zuh_wuh zuh." Quite variable. Some phrases seem to have trace of very faint "formulas" warble at end. 

[[left margin]] BG [[/left margin]]
I suppose that the phrases I have been clarifying as "triple" ould be just as well described as "double" with an "envoe".

[[left margin]] BG [[/left margin]]
6:27. Finally see Singing bird. Definately BG. Uttering phra