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[[circled]] [[2]] [[/circled]]

Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 28, 1962, II

[[left margin]] Ruf [[/left margin]]
(long strands grass). Then flies down hill, apparently to nest site. Several long loud "Seeeeet" notes in flight.

[[left margin]] Laf [[/left margin]]
This time the Lafs did not appear or vocalize.

[[left margin]] Ruf Laf [[/left margin]]
A few seconds later hear lots of what appear to be more Ruf "Seeeeet"s in neighborhood. Twice a burst of these "Seeeeet"s seems to provoke bursts of Laf singing. 

[[left margin]] Ruf Ruf Laf [[/left margin]]
Then see single Ruf somewhat separated from its mate (I know the mate is in bushes a few yards away) utter song phrase. Very twittering. Weaker than Laf song, but only slightly. Apparently composed of triplets? This song was uttered at a time when Lafs were not singing. But Lafs start in again a few seconds later.

[[left margin]] Ruf [[/left margin]]
This Ruf also fed on insects on blades of leaves. 

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]]
There are a few, but apparently only a few, hummingbirds around.

I can also hear a few songs which don't sound quite right for either Laf or Ruf in area, but can't see birds uttering them.

[[left margin]] Ruf [[/left margin]]
Just to make sure my identification is correct - Rufs here are bright rufous buff on breasts (& foreheads, I think), gray above.

[[left margin]] Ruf [[/left margin]]
The pair of Rufs around here has ranged over a fairly wide area. Covering territories of 2 or 3 Lafs, I think.

Going exploring a little down hill 7:50.

[[left margin]] Laf 12 [[/left margin]]
Lafs ✓✓✓✓, still singing quite vigorously. Sound of one stimulates others, so they are overlapping quite a lot.

[[left margin]] Humer [[/left margin]]
Some black Diglossa around here occasionally utters "Sraaaaaaaaaa"s [[drawing of sound waves underneath]] in flight. Ater????

Transcription Notes:
difficult to see page number but previous page is 1 and next page is 3 so this being page 2 is a reasonably good guess.