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[[circled]] 4 [[/circled]

Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 28, 1962, IV 

orange flowers in flower bed. Alone.

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]]
After this, I walked around the Parque Nacional and along the edges of town for a couple of hours. In areas of nice eucalyptus, some of which was in flower (this eucalypt looked like the one in Quito), and many areas of thicket and scrub  (with lots of miscellaneous flowers, but no tubular red or pink ones), without seeing a single diglossine!
It looks as if neither Ater nor Albi (nor CC) is as dominant or abundant around town here as around Quito

Mixed Diglossini September 29, 1962 
Páramo de Guasca

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] 
Arrive same place as yesterday 5:30 am. Just getting light enough to see. Some Laf song; but not nearly as much as when we arrived yesterday (which was considerably later)

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] 
Song increasing 5:40. Lafs not always exposed while singing.

[[left margin]] Laf [[/left margin]]
Laf ✓✓✓✓16 songs stop for a minute or so. Then start again when I move conspicuously. This is reminiscent of reactions on Atacaso.

Cold and windy today. All birds sticking well down inside scrub almost all the time 5:50

Things very dull here today. Absolutely no diglossine song 6 am.

[[left margin]] Laf [[/left margin]] 
There is something around here, probably a wren, uttering loud wren like song. Unfortunately I have not been able to see it. For a while, the songs of the species occurred in intervals Laf song, or vice versa; but then there was a prolonged overlap. And certainly, Laf had no hesitation hopping straight thru a bush in which the "wren" had just sung.