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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 29, 1962, III.  [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]]

[[left margin]] Laf 22 [[/left margin]] 
actually reaching to the PL's (which I rather doubt) it was following them. But only for a couple of minutes. Then flew ✓✓22 off in opposite direction. The Laf was largely silent while near the PL's. Uttered only a few "Tsit"s. But all the local Lafs seem to have stopped singing temporarily now

[[left margin]] Laf Ruf [[/left margin]]
9:15 am. Encounter brilliant mixed flock. (See today's notes on mixed flocks). Included 1 pair of Lafs (!) and 1 or 2 Rufs. Both following tanagers & finches. Ruf(s) usually lagging behind, possibly following, Lafs. Lafs and Ruf(s) sometimes quite close together, within 1 or 2 ft of one another. No apparent reaction between them. Neither sang while with flock. Both uttered "Tsit" Notes

[[left margin]] Laf [[/left margin]]
The Lafs were definitely feeding on insects, on leaves, while with flock. Why the hell did they join the flock then? Surely insects on leaves are not more abundant or easily accessible when a flock is present or not?

[[left margin]] Ruf [[/left margin]]
Rufs feeding in same way.

[[left margin]] Ruf [[/left margin]]
Rufs are really pure gray above, orange buffy below. Orange buffy extending up to forehead & sides of head. Dark streak through eye

[[left margin]] Ruf [[/left margin]]
The Ruf(s) with this flock almost certainly not the same as birds seen yesterday. This flock was at least 300 ft below where the other Rufs were seen, (and quite far away horizontally).

[[left margin]] 26 Laf [[/left margin]]
Arrive back near first ✓✓✓✓,,26 area 9:00 am. Find the Lafs singing quite vigorously, long after the less numerous Lafs down hill have stopped singing vigorously. There is no doubt but that these birds sing more when they are crowded.

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]]
The fact that Conirostrum species are seldom around may explain why they tend to sing so little.

[[left margin]] Ruf Gen [[/left margin]]
Still no sign of Ruf at original spot 9:27. Perhaps the bird(s) with the mixed flock were these birds? Could they have joined mixed flock because weather is so bad today? (It is warmer now, but has started to rain