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Mixed Diglossini, Oct. 25, 1962, III            25

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]] 
local forms here are the same as among the Quito forms. Certainly, the songs of the Cys, "Albi"s, and "Lafs"s here this morning did not overlap. 

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]] 
It is interesting that I saw no diglossinis with mixed flocks this morning, in spite of the fact that mixed flocks were relatively very common, large, heterogeneous, and noisy. 

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]] 
Are the birds so scattered here that they have become relatively un-aggressive — and don't bother about intrusions? 

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]] 
NOTE: In the museum here there is a specimen of albilatera  from the Paramó de Guasca. 

[[left margin]] Laf [[/left margin]]     
De Schauensee also says that lafresnayei occurs as low as 2000 m. 

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]] 
The altitudinal range of all the common species here is quite surprising. Is it an indication that the species have not been here as long as in the Quito region (or the reverse)??

October 26, 1962 
Agua Bonita 

Arrive 5:28 am. A little higher place than where I observed most of yesterday 8050 ft. 

[[left margin]] Albi? Cy? [[/left margin]] 
Too close to road at first to hear anything. Go a little higher 8250 ft. 5:50. Hear a couple of "Albi" songs and one "Cy" song. No overlap. 

[[left margin]] Humer? Bari? [[/left margin]] 
Hear "Laf" 5:55 
6:06 am. Hear what is apparently "Humer" song. Alt 8350