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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 26, 1962, IV          28

ngbirds quite frequently. 

[[left margin]] Humer [[/left margin]] 
4:05 pm. There is now some overlap between songs of neighboring Humers. 

It is relatively warm this afternoon, with very little wind. 

All the Humers seen today have been apparently single. Male's incubating now? 

[[left margin]] Humer [[/left margin]] 
4:35. Hear a Humer R followed immediately by Trill song. Just Albi after. 

On second thought, this area must be drier than the Guasca area. Few or no ferus here, while they are common above Guasca. 

[[left margin]] Laf? [[/left margin]] 
Hear first series "Laf" songs 4:55. About 50 ft above where Humers have been singing. Uttered when Humers are silent. But first few phrases of "Laf" obviously provoked by firebelly songs. A firebelly would begin a phrase, and then the "Laf" would begin a second later. Huge overlap. Repeatedly. 

Have the local "Laf"s developed this habit in order to "drown out" the competition? 

[[left margin]] Laf? [[/left margin]] 
More "Laf" songs 5:03 pm. Again when Humers are silent. (In fact, the Humers seem to have stopped singing completely about 15 minutes ago. This is just about the tune that shadows began to spread over the mountains here. 

[[left margin]] Humer [[/left margin]] 
Now more Humer songs 5:15. "Laf" silent.