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Mixed Deglossini, Apr 16, 1965, III             43

6:35 am. General activity possibly starting to decrease a little a terrific contact figlet between two Black Diglossas. Grappling and falling thru air. Accompanied by very harsh "Zhasa" Notes

[[left margin]] Humer [[/left margin]]
6:42  See Humer (definitely identified) do BU pattern. One bird lands a few inches from another. The latter spreads both wings out more or less horizontally. Quivers first one wing, then the other. Rest of posture not ritualized. Head fairly low and neck stretched forward. Apparently silent  There the two birds separate.

[[left margin]] Humer Laf [[/left margin]]
Some of the Humers here have almost nothing in the way of humeral patches. But apparently adult. Rest of plumage blackish. Other Humers have quite large patches (but not as conspicuous as patches full-plumaged Lafs?)

[[left margin]] Coer [[/left margin]]
6:50 Coer flies out of tree into low scrub. Utters "Seeeet" Notes in flight.

[[left margin]] Laf  Humer [[/left margin]]
Catch a few more glimpses presumed Laf in trees. All glimpses very brief.Bird usually alone (relatively). Not very close to other Diglossas. Once or twice supplants definite Humer. But their supplants seem to be more or less "accidental". I.E. the "Lag" wants to be where the Humer is - and so goes there. Doesn't particularly want to attack Humer. (Certainly some of the supplants among undoubted Hummers are purely hostile. One bird approaches another only because it wants to attack it.)

[[left margin]] Laf [[/left margin]]
Presumed Lag usually sticks to middle part of tree, I think. Apparently feeding only on flowers.

 [[left margin]] Humer [[/left margin]]
Leaving tree 7:03. Going to look at adjoining scrub. Single Humer flies by. Definitely alone. Sun out 7:05 am.   

Transcription Notes:
"Head fairly low and neck stretched ...." Took awhile to figure out "stretched".