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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 16, 1965, IV 

[[left margin]] Coer Cy  41 [[/left margin]]
7:20. In way back to Eucalypts. See Coer ✓✓ (definite) in nearby low scrub. Alone. Feeding on berries in exactly the same way as the Cys on Pico de Espejo. Stabbing fruit with lower mandible, holding fruit with upper mandible and then mandibulating. 

[[left margin]] Humer [[/left margin]]
Reach trees again 7:28. Fewer birds than before. And everything much quieter. Humers apparently dispersed now. 

[[left margin]] 44 [[/left margin]] 
Walk along path a little. See a few more Black Diglossas. ✓✓✓ Both in low scrub and in Eucalypts without many flowers. 

[[left margin]] 45 Humer [[/left margin]]
7:40. See single Firebelly ✓✓ in low scrub. Definitely alone. Feeding on small yellowish white flowers in bush. There was a presumed Humer in this bush a few minutes earlier. But Firebelly definitely not following Humer.

[[left margin]] Laf 46 [[/left margin]]
In another place, see definite Laf ✓✓ fly by in low scrub. Looks enormous! Silent and alone. 

Fog starting to come in 7:47.

[[left margin]] Humer 47 [[/left margin]]
See single Humer ✓✓ quite alone feeding in Eucalypt which does not have many flowers. Nevertheless, the bird seems to be paying attention to the flowers exclusively.

[[left margin]] Humer [[/left margin]]
7:55 Back to first pair Eucalypts. Lots of Humers in it. Still chasing one another with R-Zaza's. (Sun has disappeared again.) 
Go along path in opposite direction. Hear what sounds like Atlapetes in distance. 

Back to first Eucalypts 8:47. Trees almost or completely empty of Humers. But a hawk just caught a small black bird in this neighborhood, and everything else may have fled in panic. 

[[left margin]] Humer [[/left margin]]
A couple of Humers come back to the trees within a few minutes