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Mixed Diglossini, April 17, 1965, IV

[[left margin]] 33 Cy [[/left margin]]
left. Possibly some Atlapetes . Certainly some Diglossine(s). Hear a lot of twitter phrases coming from inside bush. Two types:
"Tsee tsee tsaweeyoo" and
"Tsee tsee tsaweeyoo tsaweee[[squiggles]]yoo"
[[left margin]] Cy [[/margin]]
Both types of phrases certainly uttered by same species. Identical in tone and loudness. After a minute or so, I see that the Firebellies have come back to this area. Hopping about silently. Then a diglossine flies to a perch where I can see it. Definitely Cy! Then disappears down into the bowels of the bush again. 
It looks as if the local Firebellies may have a definite preference for Blue Diglossas!
Fog turning into rain 7:05 am.
[[left margin]] Laf 62 [[/margin]]
7:10. Another area. See Laf supplant green hummingbird.
[[left margin]] 64 Laf 36 VI 65[[/margin]]
7:13. Another area. See pair PR Atlapetes hopping thru low scrub side road. Occasionally utter lots of loud, more or less twittery vocalizations as "greetings." Possibly something else is following the PR's but I can't see it. In any case, a single Laf j ---> PR's. Then Laf flies on, nothing follows.
[[left margin]] Laf 67 [[/margin]]
A few minutes later, 2 Lafs fly by. One chasing the other. Almost certainly hostile. And chase accompanied by 2 or 3 harsh, hoarse, "Zraa" Notes. Probably identical with some of the notes heard in Prime Eucalypts in Guadalupe yesterday and day before. 
[[left margin]] HO VII 43 [[/margin]]
Well! Well! 7:25. See real mixed flock. See pair of PR Atlapetes hopping thru scrub one side of road. Probably same pair seen earlier. Then see pair PL Atlapetes, hopping thru scrub other side of road. At least 25 ft behind the PR's, but moving steadily in same direction. Both species occasionally uttering loud twittering phrases as "gree 

Transcription Notes:
Not sure what the protocol is for transcribing random squiggles inserted into a word but I did my best. - H.L.