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[[Circled]] 58 [[/circled]]
Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 18, 1965, II

[[left margin]] 71 [[/left margin]]
Everything dead quiet 5:47! Black Diglossas ✓✓✓✓✓ feeding eucalypt flowers quite peacefully and happily!

[[left margin]] 72 [[/left margin]]
5:50 am. Go on over to where presumed Laf and pair Humers seem to be holding territories apart from Primes. Some Black Diglossa ✓✓ in original Humer trees. Quiet and inconspicuous

[[left margin]] Laf? [[/left margin]]
This bird looks like Laf!
5:56 Presumed Laf ✓ feeding fairly low in the Eucalypts here. Then another Diglossa flies in, from uphill (not from Primes) Feeds on flowers in top of same trees. Presumed Laf quite ignores it! 

[[left margin]] 174 [[/left margin]]
Then the new bird flies ✓ off in general direction Primes. As it flies, I see that it is a Blue Diglossa. (Smallish – Cy?)

[[left margin]] Blue [[/left margin]]
I am beginning to believe that Blue Diglossas don't irritate or "bother" Lafs at all (although they seem to irritate Humers).

[[left margin]] Laf Humer [[/left margin]]
Presumably Humer can only survive, or establish itself, in areas inhabited by Laf because it is relatively more aggressive than the Laf. Back to Prime Eucalytps 6:01 Am. Activity has increased. 

[[left margin]] Cy 75 ✓ [[/left margin]]
There are two Blue Diglossas as well as Blacks in these trees now. One of the Blues is an adult Cy (absolutely definitely identified).
The other Blue is much duller, but seems to be same size and shape as the adult Cy. Juv. Cy? Both Blues feeding near tops trees. Adult not approached by any Black during the brief period I have it on view. But the duller Blue is supplanted by a Black at least twice. 
[[left margin]] ? [[/left margin]]
The supplanter has large humeral patches, and looks rather Laf-like in general proportions. But one of the supplants seems to be accompanied by an R (without Zaza).

[[left margin]] ? [[/left margin]]
Hear some "Zaaah" or Zraaa" type notes in these trees a few minutes later. 

Transcription Notes:
Missing margins corrected