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Mixed Diglossini I.  
April 20, 1965 
University, Bogotá

Arrive in front Rectory 5:23 am. Still dark now (today is cloudy). Fairly warm. Not much wind. 

[[left margin]] Humer? [[/left margin]] 
Bird noises starting 5:27 am. 

Hear first Diglossa-like Twitters 5:29. With sub-terminal (or terminal?) R's. 

Birds flying around a few minutes later, but still too dark to identify them. 

5:31. Diglossas chasing one another in Abutilon. Silent. Then fly off. 

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]] 
5:33. First coruscans in Abutilon. 

All Diglossa-like songs stopped 5:35. 

Then hear R-Zaza patterns. 

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]]  
5:41 There now are several coruscans feeding and flying in and around Abutilons. Quite noisy. Some disputing among themselves.  

[[left margin]] Humer XCC? Scan Bari? Humer [[/left margin]] 
5:44. Humer and what looks like XCC (!!!) feeding simultaneously in Abutilon ("Abu"). No obvious hostility between them. Only a few feet apart. Silent. Humer flies away "XCC"-type disappears. A second later, there is a coruscans and what may be Bari in same tree. Then another Humer comes in. Both other birds leave. Then Humer leaves. 

[[left margin]] Humer [[/left margin]] 
Humer is shuttling back and forth between different Abus. 

[[left margin]] Humer [[/left margin]] 
5:46 Humer perches exposed top Abu, 10 ft above ground. 

Transcription Notes:
Abutilon is a large genus of flowering plants. Cannot verify coruscans as name ... Sparkling Violetear Colibri coruscans???