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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 20, 1965, III

[[margin]] Scan Humer [[/margin]]
ly a foot away. Humer doesn't react. Scans flies off.
[[margin]] Humer Scan [[/margin]]
I have seen Humers very low, 2 ft off ground, in a particularly small Abu bush which apparently is not visited by Scans. Otherwise the two species seem to overlap completely in height range.
Everything quieting down 6:18 am.
[[margin]] Humer Bari [[/margin]]
6:20. See single Humer and single male Bari feeding same Abu tree. Both approimately 6-10 ft above ground. But on opposite sides tree. 6-7 ft apart. No apparent reaction between the two birds. 
[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]]
But then a second Humer appears. Flies in and lands near first Humer, not near male Bari. But immediately the male Bari flies away into adjacent conifer-like tree. Just sits there. About a minute later, the 2 Humers in Abu start to dispute. Chase.
[[margin]] Scan Humer Bari [[/margin]]
Eventually chase also leads to adjacent conifer. (As soon as Humers leave Abu, A Scans comes in and begins to feed.) Disputing Humers pass within a foot of male Bari. They ignore it and it ignores them! Then one Humer flies off. The other remains in conifer-like tree. About 10-15 ft from Bari. Both start to move around. Apparently looking for insects.
[[margin]] Humer Bari [[/margin]]
Then this Humer leaves. Some minutes later, male Bari goes back to Abu. Feeds on exact same flowers where Hyumer seen feeding earlier. Then a Scans flies in, starts to feed on opposite side Abu. The two birds seem to ignore one another. But then, about 30 secs after arrival Scans, male Bari flies back to conifer-like.
[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]]
Incidentally, Bari is appreciably smaller than both Humer and Scans.
[[margin]] Humer Scan [[/margin]]
6:36. Dispute between Humer and Scans in Abutilón. Can't see who is aggressor. Actual physcial combat (brief) in air. Hum