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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 20, 1965, VIII 

[[margin]] Scan Humer [[/margin]]
8:27. Two Scans feeding and disputing in Abu. Humer flies in, lands 3 ft away. MAkes no attempt to supplant the Scans. Eventually they fly away of their own accord.
[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]]
8:33. See Scans definitely inserting bill base of petals, between sepals, of Abu flower.
[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]]
Incidentally, almost all the Abu flowers here have lots of Diglossa holes in sepals.
[[margin]] Bari Humer [[/margin]]
8:35. Male Bari back in Abu. Flies out a few seconds after Humer flies in (altho the Humer definitely did not supplant). Then flies back into tree. Feeds quietly about 10 ft from Humer. No apparent reaction between the two birds. 
[[margin]] Scan Bari [[/margin]]
Then, a Scans flies in. Repeatedly supplants male Bari. Latter retreats without resistance. After a couple of seconds, Scans flies off. I think male Bari remains more or less "hidden" in some far part of Abu. 
[[margin]] Humer [[/margin]]
The Humer appeared to pay absolutely no attention to the Scans - Bari dispute. 
[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]]
So Bari is low man on the totem pole here (too).
See Zonotrichia cutting up and apparently eating bits of Abu sepal, just like goldfinch.
[[margin]] Humer [[/margin]]
Humer still singing occasionally 8:43.
[[margin]] Scan Bari [[/margin]]
8:46. Scans darts at male Bari in conifer-like tree. Sort of half hearted. Bari either stays still or only retreats an inch or so. Then the Scans lands about a foot away. Doesn't seem to look at Bari, but latter flies away almost immediately.
[[margin]] Scan Humer [[/margin]]
Incidentally, the tendency noted earlier for Scans and Humers to alternate in the Abus has almost (but probably not quite completely) disappeared during the latter part of my observations here this morning. (Perhaps the birds can "afford" to risk wasting time in