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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 22, 1965, II. 

[[left margin]] Laf Cy [/left margin]]
The Laf involved in these overlaps probably is same individual who was seen attacking Cy(s) a few months ago. At least, it is in exactly the same places.

[[left margin]] Laf Coer [/left margin]]
6:23 Laf still Singing. Then presumed Coer utters a few more Song phrases. Completely overlapped by Laf Song!!! Then Laf shuts up. Coer utters one more phrase. Then shuts up too.

[[left margin]] Gen [/left margin]]
Obviously it is not just one individual, of one species, who is being "careless" about Song overlaps here!

[[left margin]] Coer 39 [/left margin]]
6:31. See Coer ✓ Singing Identification definite. Bird moving about in trees, same species tree with green fruits favored a few months ago. 8-15 ft up. At first NODWA. Then PL starts more Whistle Song. Frequent complete overlaps. Sometimes because PL Sings while Coer is audible. Sometimes because Coer Sings while PL is audible. (And this must be difficult to "achieve". Considering how short PL Song phrases are. I.E the two species seem to be Singing completely at "random". Completely "ignoring" one another.)

[[left margin]] Coer [/left margin]]
All Coer Song phrases seem to be essentially similar. Begin with two high pitched, thin, "Seeeeee" Notes, Followed by brief "formless" Twitter, usually or always ending in brief descending "Slur".

[[left margin]] Coer Laf [/left margin]]
Then Coer shuts up. Laf Sings again. Completely overlapping PL Whistle Songs again. Then PL shuts up. Coer Sings a few more phrases. Completely overlapping with Laf Songs again. Laf shuts up. Coer utters 1 or 2 more phrases NODWA. Shuts up. 

[[left margin]] Laf 41 [/left margin]] 
6:39. One Laf ✓ supplants and chases another ✓. Silently. 

Almost complete silence. 6:41 am. Then more Laf Song. NODWA 

[[left margin]] Gen [/left margin]]
COMMENT: It would appear that there are at least three species here which are paying absolutely no attention to mutual inhibition