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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 22, 1965, IV 110   
nor Humer is very highly motivated now??? (Even tho the Lafs are Singing quite frequently now, the volume of Laf Songs certainly is much less than when I was here in 1962.)
[[left margin]] Laf Humer Cy [/left margin]]
Laf-Hummer Song relationships may be just the opposite of Laf-Cy Song relationships. Laf and Humer may overlap when strongly motivated but not when only moderately motivated; while Laf and Cy may not overlap when strongly motivated but may tend to do so when only moderately motivated (Or is this all crap??? I must go thru my notes of a couple of months ago again.)
[[left margin]] Humer Laf [/left margin]]
7:25 More Humer Songs. NODWA. Humer shuts up. Then Laf Sings. NODWA.
[[left margin]] Gen [/left margin]]  
All the local Diglossas seem to overlap Firebelly sounds completely at random. Also overlap Duburia Songs and wren sounds at random.
[[left margin]] Laf 47 [/left margin]]
See several ✓✓ Lafs in AS. All alone.
7:30. Now there are at least 4 different Lafs Singing quite frequently here. Frequently overlapping one another. NODWA Perhaps the local Lafs are not so weakly motivated after all!
[[left margin]] Laf [/left margin]]
All the local Lafs seem to be feeding largely or only on various species red tubular flowers.

[[left margin]] Laf [/left margin]]   
See 2 Lafs going around close together. With no sign of hostility. Quite silent. Obviously mates.
Everything quiet again 7:40 am. Going farther on down road. Everything quiet here too!
[[left margin]] Blue-wing? [/left margin]]  
NOTE: I have had several brief, and poor, glimpses of several very large hummingbirds around here. Wings are visible in flight. The species might be Patagona gigas. These hummingbirds certainly are feeding

Transcription Notes:
Deleted formatting details (e.g.,indents, underlining) per transcription instructions & added margin notes, etc.