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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 22, 1965, IX    

[[left margin]] Gen Coer Laf? [[/left margin]]
III Possibly, mutual inhibition of Song is "working" among all species except Coer, Humer Laf?, and PL Atlapetes

[[left margin]] Gen Coer [[/left margin]]
IV It is conceivable that these three latter species are "ignoring" one another simply because they do not compete with one another to any appreciable extent. (Coer may well be the least nectarivorous of the non-commensal local species of Diglossini. Possibly much less nectarivorous than the local Cy.)

[[left margin]] Humer Laf [[/left margin]] 
V It is remarkable that the local Humers and Lafs apparently are not fighting, or overlapping one another's Songs, to any appreciable extent now. Is this because they are relatively widely spaced out now???

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]]
VI If it should turn out that the social behavior of the local species of Diglossini is significantly different now from what it was a few months ago, the difference(s) might be correlated with changes in available food sources. (Note: None of the melastomes which had dark red cup-shaped flowers a few months ago is in bloom now. This is just an example of the sort of changes that have occurred.)

August 23, 1965
Agua Bonita

Going to work the same place as on August 20th. Arrive 5:23 am. Still dark. Partly cloudy.


[[left margin]] Cy Albi 43 [[/left margin]]
6:35 am. See single Cy ✓ alone. Silent. Flitting thru scrub, 6-10 ft up. Only a few yards from where male Albi seen earlier today. Cy flies off

Transcription Notes:
removed underlined annotation per transcription instructions; removed indents Melastome- alt. spelling for melastoma, flowers fit description