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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 23, 1965, II 116

[[left margin]] Albi Cy 44 [[/left margin]]
and disappears. A second later, see male ✓ Albi in one of the same bushes which the Cy had just left! So Cy and Albi territories are at least partly overlapping here. Then male Albi visits a number of bushes. 3-12 ft up. Feeds on a variety of different flowers of different shapes, sizes, and colors. Utters occasional R's.

[[left margin]] Albi 45 White throat ? [[/left margin]]
Then see female ✓ Albi feeding on tubular red flowers in tangle of vines 10 ft away. 15 ft up. Flies away almost immediately. A second later a single hummingbird shows up, puts bill to base corollas of flowers — just where female Albi had been feeding!!! Obviously using Diglossa holes. This hummingbird has white sides to tail. It may be White throat. Also flies off immediately. Following female Albi???

[[left margin]] Albi 46 [[/left margin]]
7:05 am. Male ✓ Albi shows up again from time to time. Always alone. Utters a number of R's. Perhaps he is in breeding condition.

[[left margin]] Cy 47 [[/left margin]]
7:12. Single Cy ✓, definitely alone, shows up 50 ft away. Ranging 15-20 ft up. Apparently picking insects off leaves. Utters "CN"s. Flies away

[[left margin]] Cy [[/left margin]]
7:25. See Cy with probable mixed flock (described elsewhere). This Cy spends all its time making "flycatching flights." At least 20 of them!!! The local Cy(s) would appear to be relatively very insectivorous

[[left margin]] Cy [[/left margin]]
This Cy utters a few "Tsit" or "Tseet" Notes. Nothing else. Is it in non-breeding condition?

[[left margin]] Albi 48 [[/left margin]]
7:30. See a single female ✓ Albi 6 ft up in nearby scrub. Utters hard, loud, "trilling" notes. Might be transcribed as "Tsrrrt". Much shorter than any "real" R's I have heard.

[[left margin]] Albi 49  [[/left margin]]
7750 ft. 8:02 am. See single male ✓ Albi feeding red tubular flowers. Same species favored by female seen earlier. Silent and alone. 

[[left margin]] Albi White-throat [[/left margin]]
8:15 am. 7825 ft. Region very mixed scrub. See both female Albi and White-throated Hummingbird with mixed flock (Described elsewhere)

Transcription Notes:
removed underline annotations per transcription instructions. removed indents & changed male/female symbols to word