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Mixed Diglossini, Aug. 25, 1965, IV.

[[left margin]] Bari Scan [[/left margin]]
Lands in small bush (with yellow flowers but non-Abu) 20 ft from Red Abu. Perches 2 1/2 ft up. Silent. Preens vigorously for some minutes. Then flies off into bush nearer Abu (female may be in this bush). Then retreats precipitately back into previous bush just as Scan flies back into Abu. Sits a while. Silent. Then flies off again.

[[left margin]] Scan Bari [[/left margin]]
Scan flies away again a few minutes later. Immediately female Bari flies into Abu, begins to feed. Then Scan comes back. Immediately female Bari flies away. This time, Scan does not pursue.

[[left margin]] Bari [[/left margin]]
Either the male Bari(s) here has (have) lost all interest in Abu flowers now; or it (they) is (are) being much more cautious than the female(s). (NOTE: I am not sure if there is 1 female and 1 male Bari in this general neighborhood — all the adjacent gardens — or if there are 2 individuals of each sex.)

[[left margin]] Bari Humer Scan [[/left margin]]
It strikes me that the Baris here are being more cautious now than they were a couple of months ago. Is this because the Humers are no longer here to "deflect" the hostility of the Scans?

Scans still singing full blast 7:41 am.

[[left margin]] Scan Bari [[/left margin]]
7:46 am. Scan perched silently in Red Abu. Male  Bari flies by. Silent. Lands in bush 20 ft away. Then flies into bush only 3 ft from Abu. Scan apparently doesn't react. Then Scan flies away. Female Bari immediately flies into Abu, starts to feed; but not the male!!! Scan comes back. 
Female Bari flies off. Scan flies away again. Female Bari immediately comes back to Red Abu. Feeds again. Scan comes back again. Female Bari just retreats a few inches and "freezes". Scan flies off again. Female Bari starts to feed again. Scan comes back again. Female Bari just retreats a foot or so and continues feeding. Scan perches a few seconds. Then attacks female Bari and drives her away.

Transcription Notes:
Don't know how to insert male and female symbols into text.-revised instructions are to note as male or female as you did Replaced -- with em dash