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Mixed Diglossini, Aug 25, 1965, V.

[[left margin]] Bari Scan [[/left margin]]
I.E. female Bari becomes "presumptuous" after she has not been attached for several visits, and has to be "reminded" of her inferior position!

[[left margin]] Bari Scan [[/left margin]]
(Rather surprisingly, the Scan who "owns" this Red Abu bush has been doing very little feeding in it this morning. I. E. he is not attacking the female Bari simply because he sees her taking food that he himself wants at the same time.)

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]]
There are a number of pink Passiflora flowers in an adjacent garden, which no one seems to be paying any attention to now. Is carbonaria s.l. the only species which feeds on Passiflora????

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]]
8:07am. Several Scans still fighting among themselves in Yellow Abu "central" garden. (Altho this species is very aggressive, on the whole, individuals do not seem to be at all hesitant to congregate at food sources. This may be a great advantage in inter-specific competition. I.E. there usually are several Scans around to attack any rival of another species.)

[[left margin]] Bari [[/left margin]]
Then hear another Diglossine Twitter. No R. Again completely overlapped by "chuk" songs several Scans. (All these Twitters must be uttered by Bari(s)).

[[left margin]] Bari [[/left margin]]
Then more Twitters. All overlapped. All similar to Twitters heard earlier; but perhaps a little more "formless." All coming from high in trees. Baris here apparently like to perch high when singing.

[[left margin]] Bari Scan [[/left margin]]
8:15am. Female Bari feeding on flowers Yellow Abu in "central" garden. A Scan makes several "inhibited" Swoops at her. But she doesn't retreat at all. Continues feeding. And Scan flies off.

Leaving this area 8:18am.

Transcription Notes:
Not clear if it is J.E. or I.E.? (I.E. - id est) Don't know how to include male and female symbols in text.