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Mixed Diglossini, Jan. 28, 1964, II [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]]

as of red and white flower as the [[underlined]] A. rufruiuha [[/underlined]] seen earlier this morning

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] 7:34 Several Lafs singing in distance. Continue on and off for some time. Then shut up. Approximately one minute later an Ater or a CC (almost certainly the latter) utters 1 song phrase. Then shuts up.
[[margin]] Laf Alter [[/margin]] 7:53. Laf(s) still singing. Then see single [[insertion]] [[checkmark]] [[/insertion]] juvenile Ater in bush. Silent. Supplemented by adult Ater. Also silent. Then both disappear. See both birds again a few minutes later. At least 20 ft apart, but juvenile apparently following adult. Both silent. Not associated with any other species. 

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] Lafs still singing occasionally 8:15

[[margin]] Laf CC Ater [[/margin]] 8:31 Lafs silent. Hear some CC plerares in distance. Then CC's  silent. A minute or so later, another Laf starts to sing. See a single juvenile Ater [[insertion]] [[checkmark]] [[/insertion]] feeding silently while Lafs sing.

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] 8:50. One Laf chases [[insertion]] [[two checkmarks]] [[/insertion]] another thru the scrub. Both birds silent and alone.

[[margin]] Laf? [[/margin]] A few minutes later see what are probably the same birds, involved in the same chase. Still silent.  But now they are being followed by a third bird [[insertion]] [[three checkmarks]] [[/insertion]]. [[underlined]] Apparently Ater [[/underlined]] (quite glossy black, but with a trace of whitish or grayish on the claw — I don't think it can be a juvenile Laf). Also silent. Chase eventually breaks up One Laf feeds silently. Other two birds disappear.

[[margin]] ? [[/margin]] At one time during this performance, the presumed Ater was no more than 2 or 3 feet from one of the Lafs.

There seemed to be no hostile display movements or postures by any of  the three birds. 

[[margin]] Laf Ater [[/margin]] These birds may have been the ones involved in the Laf-Ater reactions observed three days ago. Possibly the partial breakdown in specific

Transcription Notes:
The ending word for line 16 and beginning one for 17 need review. The tenth word in line 24 needs review; indistinguishable. The final word on the page needs review; indistinguishable. Reviewer: Above words identified and incorporated into text.