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[[circled]] 6 [[/circled]]
Mixed Diglossini, Jan. 29, 1963, II.

[[margin]] Laf CC [[/margin]] New Laf sings again.  CC remains silent.

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] 7:55.  Lafs still singing occasionally.  Then shut up.

8:20.  Go down road.  Find more Lafs singing
[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] Conceivably, one of the reasons that there has been relatively more overlap of songs between different species of the D-C complex of the Quito region this trip is that relatively more songs have been directed toward me.
Leaving 9:10.

This afternoon going to work along path above Nono.  Arrive 3:25 p.m. Fog.

See a single thrush - with eye ring.  Alone.

See a single [[underlined]] B. rugrocuistatees [[insertion]] [[symbol - checkmark]] [[/insertion]] [[/underlined]] Alone. Silent

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] See a single Ater [[insertion]] [[symbol -  checkmark]] [[/insertion]] alone.  Same bird again. Still alone.  Then see
[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] another Ater, alone & silent.  Then see what may be same bird, singing alone 

See another single thrush with eye ring.  And another. And another, etc. etc.

3:48 pm.  New species or juv.  Mlypopsis? [[inertion]] symbol - checkmark]][[/insertion]](LV).  Generally buffy orange below, duller or paler on flanks, probably whitish center of belly.  Head also orange buffy, [[underlined]] except [[/underlined]] for crown which is brownish (distinct cap).  Eye dark.  Back & wings gray.  Feeding alone and silent on top of hedge 

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] See single Ater [insertion]] [[symbol -  checkmark]] [[/insertion]] alone.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] See single Cy [[insertion]] [[symbol - checkmark]] [[/insertion]] alone.

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] See several more  Aters [[insertion]] [[symbol - 2 checkmarks]]  [[/insertion]] alone.

Also 1 pair [[underlined]] [[rupuneba?]] [[/underlined]] alone.  One [[underlined]] Thraupis cyanocephala [[insertion]] [[symbol - checkmark]] [[/insertion]][[/underlined]]  flies over the finches, about 10 ft above them; but the 2 species do not seem to react to one another.

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] 4:00 p.m.  See another single  Ater [[insertion]] [[symbol -checkmark]] [[/insertion]].  And another [[insertion]] [[symbol - checkmark]] [[/insertion]]. (They are really all over the place.  Largely silent.  Apparently always alone