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[[circled]] 7 [[/circled]]

January 30, 1964

Going to work along path above Nono this morning. Arrive very early, 5:30 am. Clear.

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] Hear what are probably first Ater songs 6:03 Yes! Definite No R components in songs. Bird nearest me stops by 6:08. Other Aters farther down path continue singing.

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] 6:20. Quite a lot of Ater R-Zaza patterns audible

6:35 See 2 or ^[[two checkmarks]] 3 Aters chasing one another silently

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] 7:15 am. [[underlined]] Significant incident. [[/underlined]] See a single Cy ^[[checkmark]] feeding on Eucalypt flowers. 30 ft above ground. Several hummers also feeding in tree, but they and the Cy seem to be ignoring one another. Cy quite silent. Suddenly [[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] an ^[[checkmark]] Ater ^[[checkmark]] flees into the tree. At the same time, I see that the Cy is no longer in the tree (I don't know whether it left before or after the Ater arrived, or simultaneously.) Ater quite silent. Starts to feed on Eucalypt flowers. [[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Then a Cy (possibly same individual as before) appears in an Eucalypt tree about 20 ft away. Singing almost steadily. Typical Cy songs (typical as [[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] they seem to be now). Then flees into Eucalypt where Ater is. Lands about 20 ft from Ater. Flits about Ater energetically. Singing almost steadily. Hopping in and out toward Ater. Sometimes comes within 2 ft of Ater. Ater remains silent. Also almost motionless. Only leaps from perch to perch [[margin]] Cy Ater [[/margin]] occasionally. Then suddenly [[underlined]] Cy attacks Ater [[/underlined]] !!! Chases it away. I think attack & chase about. Ater disappears. Cy comes back to tree where [[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] dispute occurred. Continues to sing for some time, but less frequently than during the dispute. (Apparently duets with distant Cy part of the time) Then falls silent.