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Mixed Digloinui, Mar.6, 1966,II.  [[circled]]12[[/circled]]

[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]]As the Diglonas show a definite tendency to skulk here now, I have not been able to study their territorial arrangements. 
[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] But it seems likely that territories of Lafs and Whitestarts are at least partly overlapping

[[margin]] Laf [[margin]] 7:32. Lafs and Whitestarts still Singing occasionally. Apparently no overlaps.

7.37. See green hummingbird feeding on red and white flowers exactly where rufous hummingbird XVI fed yesterday Neither XVI nor Diglossas audible at the time.

[[margin]] CC Laf [[/margin]] 7:44. See pair of CC [[insertion]] [[symbol - 2 checkmarks]] [[/insertion]] feeding 5-8 ft up in bushes edge pasture. The 2 inds. are 
[[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] close together. One of them utters song phrases after song phrase in very rapid succession. All [[underlined]] twitters [[/underlined]]. NODWA Shuts up. Then a Laf in distance sings a phrase. NODWA. Shuts up. Immediately CC sings again NODWA. Shuts up. Laf Sings again. NODWA. Shuts up. CC sings again. NODWA. Shuts up. [[underlined]] So CC and Laf also are being careful not to overlap[[/underlined]]! 

[[margin]] CC Ater [[/margin]] NOTE: Possibly all the Diglossa songs I have heard in this region have been uttered by CC's. I.E. possibly Ater does not occur at these particular sites

Leaving 10:00 a.m


[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] All the other CC's seen later this morning also were completely buffy underneath. 

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] The Lafs are singing so frequently here (and so late in the morning) that they [[underlined]]may[[/underlined]] be in breeding condition

11:00 am. On the way back to town, stop very [[?]] at a site above Pifo, on the western (i.e. Quito)side of the moun[[tain]]