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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 12, 1966, II.  [[circled]] 32 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] 6:18.  Finally hear first (brief) Laf Song. Far up hill.  Overlap orig Rfl's at random.  Laf shuts up.

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] 6:22.  See single Laf silent and alone 3 ft up in scrub.

CORRECTION:  Area where [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] heard Singing, and overlapping with [[underlined]] torquatus [[/underlined]], is [[double underlined]] not [[/double underlined]] the same place where [[underlined]] torquatus [[/underlined]] was heard and seen yesterday.

[[margin]] CC? [[/margin]] 6:23.  Hear first CC-like Twitter.  NODWAH.

There are a very great many Rfl's around here this morning.  The [[underlined]] rugroirutatus [[/underlined]] must be in breeding condition.

[[margin]] Laf CC? [[/margin]] Then some Laf Song NODWAH.  Shuts up.

Then some more Twitters. NODWAH.  Shuts up.

[[margin]] Cy CC? [[/margin]] Then hear what is almost certainly Cy Song in distance.  NODWAH.  Shuts up.  Then more CC-like Twitters.  NODWAH.  Shuts up.  Then both presumed Cy and presumed CC utter a few phrases.  Almost completely alternating.  Both there [[underlined]] are [[/underlined]] a [[underlined]] few [[/underlined]] partial overlaps.

[[margin]] Laf Cy CC [[/margin]] It looks as if mutual Song inhibition among the Laf(s), Cy(s), and CC(s) here is [[underlined]] good [[/underlined]] but [[underlined]] not absolutely perfect [[/underlined]].

[[margin]] CC Cy Ater [[/margin]] 6:35.  See single CC in approximate area where Cy Sang a few minutes ago.  I.E. territories of the 2 species at least partly overlapping.  CC silent.  2 - 10 ft up in scrub.  Picking insects off leaves.  Also feeding red and pale yellowish-greenish-whitish flowers.  [[underlined]] Lauce [[/underlined]] species on which Aters and [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] have been seen to feed elsewhere.  CC definitely alone.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] Then CC flies away.  At approximately same time, single ^[[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Uroruyias [[/underlined]] appears in exact same bush which CC has just left.  But it shows absolutely no sign of wanting to follow CC.  Utters a few R's  And then disappears.

A second or so later 2 ^[[2 checkmarks]] [[underlined]] rufinuchas [[/underlined]] appear in scrub 20 ft