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Mixed Diglosseni, Mar. 12, 1966, III.  [[circled]]33[[/circled]]

away. Ranging 2-20 ft up scrub and small trees. [[underlined]] Very [[/underlined]] noisy. Lots of "Greetings". Including both R's and Twitters. Definitely alone.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Then Cy Sings, 30 ft up in nearby Eucalypt.  Songs overlapping with [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] Greetings at random!  Then Cy shuts up, flies off and disappears.  [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] gradually move off in different direction.

[[margin]] CC Cy [[/margin]]  So the [[underlined]] nigrocritatus [[/underlined]], CC(s), [[underlined]] Nromyias, rufinucha, [[/underlined]] and Cy(s) here apparently are [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] forming mixed flocks.  [[underlined]] Obviously because there are no "real" nuclear species in the neighborhood now. [[/underlined]]

[[margin]] Laf Cy CC [[/margin]] 6:48.  Hear burst of Laf Song in area where CC seen and Cy heard earlier.  NODWAH.  Shuts up.  Presumably Laf territory partly or wholly overlaps with those of both Cy and CC.

Starting back down road 6:55

Just as I start to go, see [[underlined]] Uromyias [[/underlined]]^[[checkmark symbol above Uromyias]]  again.  3 ft up in bamboo scrub.  Noisy.  But definitely alone.  ([[underlined]] Possibly [[/underlined]], the "ground color" of the throat of this bird is a little less yellow than that of its flanks.  But the difference is slight.)  Then this bird is joined by its mate [[checkmark symbol above mate]] Both noisy.  But still alone.

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]]  Some distance back down road, hear more Laf Song.  NODWAH.  But overlapping wren Song.

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] Further along, see pair of Lafs ^[[2 checkmarks above Lafs]].  Flying across road. Definitely alone.

[[margin]] Cy Laf [[/margin]] 7:18.  Down by "usual" flock area.  Hear several Cy Twitters.  NODWAH.  Cy Shuts up. Then Laf Sings.  NODWAH.  Then Cy resumes.  [[underlined]] Complete overlaps. [[/underlined]] Again and again and again  Finally see Cy (identification definite) 3 - 6 ft up in scrub.  Moving rapidly from bush to bush.  All Song phrases with "Tsit tsit" Intros.

Transcription Notes: