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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 15, 1966, V.
[[circled]] 41 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Scan Cy [[/margin]] There [[underlined]] may [[/underlined]] be a slight tendency for Scans and Cys to avoid one another here!!!

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] Another pair of Ater's flies by. Birds silent and alone 

[[margin]] Scan Ater [[/margin]] 7:59. More [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] Song. NODWAH except Scan. [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] shuts up. Hear one Ater Song. NODWAH except Scan. Ater shuts up. [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] Sings again. NODWAH except Scan. Shuts up.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] See a single Cy. ^[[two checkmarks above Cy]] Silent and alone. Moving[[underlined]] low [[/underlined]] thru scrub. 1-4 ft up.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Scans still Singing vigorously 8:15 am.

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] 8:20. Hear Ater R-Twitter in hedge. COMMENT: The Aters here may be coming into breeding condition. But they certainly are not at peak yet. Nevertheless, they do seem to be disputing among themselves quite frequently.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] 8:28. See single Cy ^[[two checkmarks above Cy]] flitting around in scrub. Probably feeding. Quite [[underlined]] low [[/underlined]]. 2 ft up.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]]
Scans still Singing nearly continuously 8:41 am.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Then hear more [[underlined]] Atlapetes rufinucha [[/underlined]] Whistle Song. NODWAH except Scan. NOTE: Most of the [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] Songs heard this morning have been uttered by same individual.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Then [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] and Cy alternate Songs. Not overlapping in most cases. But probably [[underlined]] some slight partial overlaps [[/underlined]] in a few cases.

[[margin]] XVII Ater CC [[/margin]] See another hummingbird XVII alone. In scrub. Feeding on tubular white flowers. Same species on which Aters and CC's (and [[underlined]] Thlypopses [[/underlined]], I think) were seen to feed in previous years.

[[margin]] Cy Scan [[/margin]] 8:51. Cy Sings again. NODWAH except Scan. Cy Sings from 2 different trees. 100 yds apart. I certainly have seen Scan(s) in both trees at other times. And Scan(s) certainly Sang in one or both trees earlier. [[underlined]] But there do not seem to be any Scans in these trees at the time [[/underlined]]