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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 19, 1966, IV
[[circled]] 53 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Cy [[margin]] Then hear more Cy Song. Bird perched high in Eucalypt. [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] also Singing down hill ([[underlined]] not [[/underlined]]) awfully far away). [[underlined]] Songs of the 2 species overlap at random. [[/underlined]] Repeatedly.

[[margin]] Cy Gen [[/margin]] [[underlined]] It is beginning to look as if there is little or mutual inhibition of Song between Cy and rufinucha. [[/underlined]]

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Cy shuts up. Feeds Eucalypt flowers. [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] shuts up. Cy Sings a few more phrases. All NODWAH (but overlapping [[underlined]] nigrocrutatus [[/underlined]] Rfl's at random.

[[margin]] Scan Ater [[/margin]] 7:24. Quite far down path. Can hear Scans Singing down by town. Then Ater Sings up here. NODWAH except Scan.

Then see a single Firebelly ^[[two checkmarks above Firebelly]] fly by alone

[[margin]] Ater Scan [[margin]] 7:36. Walking back up hill. See a single Ater ^[[two checkmarks above Ater]] alone. Perched 4 ft up. Singing. NODWAH except Scans downhill. Ater shuts up.

[[margin]] Ater Scan Cy [[margin]] 7:40. See another single Ater ^[[two checkmarks above Ater]] in scrub, 6 ft up. Singing. NODWAH except Scan. Then it flies into Eucalypt. Perches 20 ft up. [[underlined]] I know I have seen Cy in this Eucalypt earlier this morning. [[/underlined]] Ater starts to Sing again. NODWAH. Then Cy starts to sing. Cy is invisible, but cannot be more than 30-40 ft from Ater, in adjacent Eucalypt. Cy and Ater [[underlined]] alternate Songs repeatedly. Obviously it is the Ater who is stimulating the Cy to Sing, at the same time as it is inhibiting Cy during the actual period of its own Songs. [[/underlined]] Rhythm is Ater Song - Cy Song - brief pause............. Occasionally, the Cy is so strongly stimulated, i.e. so "eager" to Sing, that it begins its Song a second or so [[underlined]] before [[/underlined]] Ater has quite completed its phrase; but [[underlined]] usually [[/underlined]] there is no overlap at all. This is, in fact, quite a classic case of the usual form of "typical" mutual Song inhibition!!!

Ater eventually shuts up and flies away. Cy continues Singing