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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 21, 1966, I
[[circled]] 58 [[/circled]]

Dense and low cloud cover, Light rain!

Just miscellaneous bird sounds heard 6:00 am

Hear a [[underlined]] few rufinucha [[/underlined]] Whistle Songs. 6:03. NODWAH. Then some DC. Then more [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] Songs. As usual, completely overlapped by DC.

There are birds moving around 6:15. But it is almost impossible to see anything — the light is so bad.

6:21. In general, there are [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] few bird sounds around here this morning. Only DC and a few [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] Songs.

No trace of any Diglossine sounds in area where Albi first seen and heard yesterday.

[[margin]] Albi? [[/margin]] Then hear 1 R which might be Albi 6:28. NODWAH. Inserted [[underlined]] between [[/underlined]] Songs of [[underlined]] rufinuchas [[/underlined]] down hill. Probably partly overlapping [[underlined]] B. nigrocrutatus [[/underlined]] Rfl's.

Rain getting lighter 6:30.

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]]It certainly is fairly obvious that the Albi(s) here is (are) not in full breeding condition!

Everything very quiet. Then hear single R 6:52. NODWAH.

Rain becomes very heavy again 6:57. I have to retreat to car 7:02. Everything dead silent in rain — except [[underlined]] torquatus [[/underlined]]. There seem to be quite a number of birds. Of this species around here, and they begin to Sing and utter other noises almost immediately as soon as the rain increases.

Go on down to area where Sittes seen yesterday. Arrive 7:14.

[[margin]] Albi? [[/margin]] 7:22. Hear some more Albi-type R's rather far away. NODWAH. Stop. Then more Whitestart Song down hill. NODWAH. Stop. Another Albi R. NODWAH. Stops. More Whitestart Song. Then more Albi R's. 

Go down road to where three R's are coming from. Area is patch of very dense, very wet-looking, apparently mature, but not very tall