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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 11, 1964, V. [[circled]] 13 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Uni [[/margin]] [[image - drawing of bird with short beak]] Back sometimes fluffed too Cold?

[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] 7:55 More song overlaps involving all 3 species.

[[margin]] Cy Coer [[/margin]] See Cy ^[[checkmark above Cy]] feeding on same species of fruit as presumed Coer seen yesterday. By same method.

Starting up to 9000 ft level 8:00 am. Fog quite thick now

[[margin]] coer [[/margin]] Jesus! Just started when see single "Coer" alone. Quite close, to one side, of where I have been observing Cy-[[??]]-Brun. Feeding on small fruits small tree (this fruit is different from the one eaten by Coer and Cy earlier). Also sings from time to time. Brief phrases. Somewhat variable. Most common type something like "Taseeee seeeee [[descending jagged line]]eeyoo"

Also "Seeeeee taseeee [[descending jagged line]]yoo" Also "Seeee taseeeee seeeee seee." 

[[margin]] Coer Cy [[/margin]] "Seeeee" and "Ta seeee" Notes quite high and thin — Cy-like. [[descending text]] riree [[/descending text]] quite low pitched, hard, abrupt. Almost R. Might almost be transcribed as "Bmp". These phrases were uttered from a variety of locomotory postures in the course of feeding. [[margin]] Coer Brun Uni Cy [[/margin]] Some were uttered while other diglossines were silent. Others overlapped Bruns completely (Possibly one or two also overlapped Uni. Cy too far away, and its voice is too weak, for me to be able to tell if its songs also overlapped the "Coer".) I noticed that the eye of this bird seemed to be reddish- or chestnut-brown. Didn't notice bill color. It flew away

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of what to make of bird sound.