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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 11, 1964, VI
[[circled]] 14 [[/circled]]

and disappeared after a minute or so. 
[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] This certainly seems to be an optimum environment for diglossini!
Few appears 8:20. 

[[margin]] Cy? Coer [[/margin]]
8:23 Cy ^[[checkmark]] appears in same tree where "Coer" was a few minutes ago! Alone. Feeds on same fruits in same way as Cy. Utters [[underlined]] metallic [[/underlined]] "feeet" Notes. Then flies off.

[[margin]] Coer [[/margin]] Then a few minutes later the "Coer" reappears in same tree. Feeds and sings just as before. This time I notice that it has definite black mask, but not, I think, as extensive as that of the Cy.

"Coer" flies off almost immediately.

[[margin]] Coer Cy? [[/margin]] A minute later, a single [[underlined]] Th. cynocephala [[/underlined]] appears in same tree. Alone. Silent. Apparently feeding on same fruits as "Coer" and "Cy". 

[[margin]] Brun Coer? [[/margin]] 8:35. Brun [[underlined]] chases [[/underlined]] either "Coer" or Cy in silent aerial flight. (I [[underlined]] think [[/underlined]] "Coer" was the bird involved.) Again!!!

[[margin]] Coer [[/margin]] Note: This Coer here seems to be moderately dark. But not as dark as I remember the [[?]] of [[underlined]] glauca [[/underlined]] to be.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] 8:15 Big chase, back + forth, involving 3 ^[[3 checkmarks]] Bruns. Lots of Rzazar. Fly right past tree where "Coer" and Cy fed earlier.

[[margin]] Coer? [[/margin]] 
8:50. [[underlined]] NOTE, COMMENT AND CORRECTION. [[/underlined]] A blue ^[[checkmark]] diglossini comes back to same tree, to feed on same fruits as before. Utters [[underelined]] metallic [[/underlined]] "feeet" notes, like the bird that I thought was Cy earlier. This time I get quite a good look at it. Generally dull gray-blue, quite blue but not brilliant like adult Cys. Fading out to light blue-gray belly and under tail coverts. General tone not more than medium dark above. Eye definitely reddish chestnut (at least in some lights) Black mark extends onto base of forehead, pointed patch around eye - not whole cheek as in adult Cys. Crown possibly lighter gray-blue than back. Bill very