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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 12, 1964, VII [[circled]] 24 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Uni Cy [[/margin]] Then "Uni" sings again. Overlaps completely with Cy. Again. Again. Then both shut up.

Going to "Coer" area 8:45 a.m. Nothing there

[[margin]] Uni [[/margin]] ADDITION: At least once when the A [[Luiea?]] was singing, its belly feathers were fluffed. Like those of the bird seen yesterday (presumably P). Sign of hostility?

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] See another Brun ^[[one checkmark above Brun]] song flight

[[margin]] Coer [[/margin]] "Coer" ^[[one checkmark above Coer]] back usual tree 8:50. Sings one or two phrases More or less as yesterday. Apparently no overlap with other diglossines. Then flies away

Then a single [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] ^[[one checkmark above cyanocephala]] appears in same tree. Alone

[[margin]] Uni [[/margin]] Back to "Uni" area 9:00 a.m. One of the "Unis" sings briefly, while other diglossines are silent. Then shuts up.

I have not, so far, been able to detect any consistent difference between songs of P and A Singer

Now, 9:03. [[underlined]] P [[/underlined]] singing on top of tree where fight occurred earlier. Looking from side to side. No belly fluffing

[[margin]] Uni [[/margin]] [[image - drawing of bird]] Quite good this! It seems to be characteristic of both P and A that they point their bills upward while singing.

Then P shuts up. Flies away.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] See another song flight by Brun. ^[[one checkmark above Brun]]

Going uphill 9.12 a.m.