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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 14, 1964, II
[[circled]] 35 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] CC resumes singing, overlapping presumed [[underlined]] bonariensis [[/underlined]]

[[margin]] Brun? [[/margin]] CC stops singing 6:24. A few minutes later, I [[underlined]] think [[/underlined]] I can hear Brun twitters in distance. Then they shut up.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] Presumed [[underlined]] bonariensis [[/underlined]] shut up at approximately the same time as the CC.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] CC starts singing again 6:31. Some phrases of 5 "Tucka"s. Then stops again. Starts again.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] In case I haven't made my meaning clear above — the CC often stopped singing when the presumed [[underlined]] bonariensis [[/underlined]] began. Then, presumably after listening intently for a few seconds and realizing  that the [[underlined]] bonariensis [[/underlined]] was not another CC, it would resume singing. The CC was certainly not inhibited by the sheer volume of [[underlined]] bonariensis [[/underlined]] sound — viz the times that it overlapped the [[/underlined]] bonariensis [[/underlined]], and the equally loud or louder thrush.

CC still singing off and on 6:40 a.m. Finally seems to have stopped completely 6:46 a.m.

Then starts again, briefly.

Leaving myself 6:50 a.m.

About 500 yards further on, hear and catch a glimpse of a Bird about 40 ft up in Eucalypt. Unfortunately, the glimpse was not good enough for identification. Bird sang several phrases. More or less 
"Seee see see see seeyoo"

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]] Bari?

NOTE: I am told that the wettest month of the year here is April, and the driest August. And that this year is more or less normal.

Transcription Notes:
Added ? to [[margin]] Brun [[/margin]]