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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 2, 1963, VIII, 
[[circled]] 11 [[/circled]]

and both forms have chestnut underneath. (Bruns also have some blue gray on sides and back).

This afternoon working below Tarina. Last place visited yesterday. Where Brun was seen. 9000 ft. 3:35 pm. Nothing. Go a little further on 4:07 pm. Still nothing. Go down to Palea 8550 ft 4:30 p.m. Still nothing.

April 3, 1963
Nr Tarina

Arrive same place yesterday morning 5:42 am.

Lots of Andean Sparrow song, but no diglossine.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Hear something that might be typical [[underlined]] caronaria [[/underlined]] song (i e. twitter) 5:45 am. Still dark. Coming from scrub. Only 2 phrases Then more 5:48. Coming from "down river" edge of area where pair of Bruns was watched yesterday (i e, far side, opposite Eucalyptus tree from which slow triplet song was uttered yesterday - see yesterday's map) Phrases repeated at irregular intervals. No R component. Stop 5:50. Still quite dark. (I am sure that this [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] have been one of the Bruns.)

[[margin]] CC? [[/margin]] First slow triplet song starts 5:51! Just as yesterday. Apparently coming from same tree. Triplets irregular at first, becoming regular after 4 or 5 phrases.

[[margin]] Brun? [[/margin]] Wrens begin a minute later. But no more [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] song. Triplet singer ignores wren songs. Complete random overlap. Then 5:54, hear what may be more [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] songs, quit far away, even more down river than earlier phrases. [[underlined]] AT same time [[/underlined]], triplet singer suddenly begins to

Transcription Notes:
NOTE: brought "an" over from previous page to begin this page with complete word "and"