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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 3, 1963, II.   [[circled]] 12 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Brun? CC? [[/margin]] sing less frequently — much less frequently. At first there is considerable overlap between presumed [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] phrases and the occasional triplet phrases. Then the two types of phrases start to alternate, 1 phrase of one type, then 1 phrase of other type, etc etc. Then there is regular alternation plus slight overlap. I.E. triplet singer regularly begins phrase first before presumed [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] has finished its (twittering) phrase. Then presumed [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] shuts up — possibly because I came too close. Triplet singer [[underlined]] immediately [[/underlined]] begins to sing at full speed again! One phrase following almost immediately after the other.

[[margin]] Brun? [[/margin]] None of these presumed [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] phrases had any R. Component. Low intensity?

[[margin]] Brun CC? [[/margin]] Triplet singer gradually stopping 6:02 a.m. Still haven't been able to see it. Then starts again almost immediately. Same place, as before. Continuing rather slowly 6:11, [[underlined]] after [[/underlined]] both members of Brun pair have appeared in scrub, close to me, about 30 ft away from eucalyptus trees. So the triplet song [[underlined]] cannot [[/underlined]] be uttered by one of the members of this pair!!!

Triplet singer stops 6:12

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Brun pair birds flitting about in scrub as yesterday. Lots of "Tut"s. Also a couple brief hurried  twitters (in flight?). 

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] Then, 6:13. Hear more Triplet song. A few phrases Coming from new area!!. Up hill. From low open scrub. New bird??? Then see single CC (definite) in bush from which triplet song came. Unfortunately silent by the time I see it. Still, the association is almost conclusive. 

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] 6:20. One of the Bruns perched on bush near me. Obviously very nervous. Lots of extreme  TF's. All D-U, with exhume lateral component