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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 3, 1963, V [[circled]] 15 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] CC Brun [[/margin]] As a result of today's observations, I think that the song business of both CC's and Bruns is fairly well straightened out

[[margin]] CC Brun Gen [[/margin]] But the social relations of the two forms are still somewhat puzzling — or at least they rather surprise me. It seems obvious that either CC's and/or Bruns are somewhat careless about coming close to one another. Perhaps they can "afford" to be careless, simply because their territories are not usually widely overlapping. [[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] (Just as the diglossines in Colombia and Venezuela can afford to be careless, even though their territories are usually widely overlapping, because they live in areas with abundant, perhaps even superabundant, food.)

In afternoon working below Palea

[[margin]] Brun CC [[/margin]] 4:03 p m 8225 ft. See single Brun in low [[underlined]] wet [[/underlined]] scrub near river. Then about 50 yds away see single CC in similar scrub. Apparently taking insects off leaves. Also apparently peeling at base of [[underlined]] bag shaped [[image - drawing of bag shape]] yellow flowers [[/underlined]]!!

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] See another single Brun similar vegetation 8175 ft.

Below is a sketch of the yellow flowers at which the CC was feeding

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] 

[[image - drawing of flower with arrows pointing from labels "Yellow", "Sepals (green)", "There is a tiny slit here" to the drawing]]

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] It seems likely, therefore, that the CC was inserting its bill through the slit, rather than cutting a hole.