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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 5, 1963, II [[circled]] 22 [[/circled]]

of [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] I have ever watched

[[margin]] Pect Brun? [[/margin]] A moment later, I hear a slightly different type song (slower) overlapping Brun songs, and a big chase involving a Diglossas develops. Very difficult to follow Back and forth. Lots of song. Some of the songs R — followed immediately by typical Brun twitter. These songs obviously uttered by aggressive Brun, who seems to be the pursuer during all or most of the chasing. Then one of the birds flies away about 30 ft, perches in low tree. And I see that this bird, the presumed loser of the fight is [[underlined]] pectoralis [[/underlined]]  ("Pect")!!!!! [[underlined]] So this was almost certainly an inter-specific fight. [[/underlined]]

[[margin]] Pect [[/margin]] The Pect begins to sing as soon as it perches. Song more or less like Lafs, but slightly more [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]]-like than most Laf songs I have heard elsewhere. Beginning fast, [[pumping?]], and twittering — probably based on quadruplets "Ta-ta-zee-za" and/or "Ta-ta-zee-zee". Long intermediate phrases. Each phrase tending to slow down as it continues. As it slows, tends to break up into doublets like typical Laf songs. Bird sits in unritualized posture while singing, looking from side to side.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] One or more Bruns (presumably including winner of fight) also start to sing immediately. Typical songs. No R.

[[margin]] Pect Brun [[/margin]] This singing continues a long time. And there are [[underlined]] huge [[/underlined]] overlaps between the Pect and Brun songs. One always starts the other off. More overlaps than during most intra-specific song duels. I don't know which species usually begins. Obviously some variation. Have heard both possibilities.

[[margin]] Pect Brun [[/margin]] Pect is apt to continue one song phrase while Brun(s) utter several

Pect and Bruns obviously reacting to one another as members of same species.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] While all this singing is going on, I see a single [[underlined]] Cy [[/underlined]] flitting thru the