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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 5, 1963, IV [[circled]] 24 [[circled]]

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin] Bruns singing alone now 8:30. Everything seems to be quieting down.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Oh! The 2 Bruns who have been singing may be rival males. Now singing 100 ft apart. But one of these singing birds, almost certainly the one who was involved in the fight, may be accompanied by a [[female symbol]] who has not sung.

[[margin]] Pect Brun [[/margin]] Pect sings alone for a while. Then Bruns sing. 

The Pect is now hopping from bush to bush in area where I first saw it sing. Silent now. But apparently patrolling border of its territory Brun sings in own territory. This stimulates Pect to sing. Pect continues uninterrupted for a long time while Brun(s) sing(s) phrase after phrase

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] [[underlined]] All [[/underlined]] these Brun phrases without R component.

Raining 8:35

[[margin]] Pect Brun [[/margin]] Neither the Bruns nor the Pect have fed while I have been watching them. Presumably too engrossed in their dispute.

The Pect does not look much (if at all) larger than the Bruns. Bruns singing. Pect silent.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] All the Brun song phrases have been short (except for the ones with long preliminary R's during the actual chasing - and even in these the twittering parts of the songs were short) Just like the songs heard elsewhere.

Pect singing again 8:40. Falls silent. Then Brun sings 1 phrase. Falls silent. Then Pect sings again.

[[margin]] Pect Brun [[/margin]] Pect may be being forced gradually down hill. At least it is singing 75 feet down hill now.

Now (8:45), in fact, the Pect seems to have disappeared.

No, I take it back. Pect back, silent, a moment later. Chased by