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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 5, 1963, VIII
[[circled]] 28 [[/circled]]

[[hand drawn red dot]] = Farthest observed penetration of Pect into Brun Territory
[[hand drawn green dot]] = " " " " " " " [[dittos for Farthest observed penetration of]] Brun into Pect Territory
[[hand drawn blue dot]] = Where Cy seen

This afternoon start to work a little lower than where I worked yesterday But in same region. Probably ca 8000-8100 ft. Raining gently

Nothing doing there, so go on further down road [[written in green]] 7800 appr. [[/written in green]]

3:53 pm. Rain stopping Then rain starts again 4:15 pm. Too heavy to  continue work. Wait in car to see if it will pass over.

There are a couple of points about  this morning's observations which I might add here.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] Both CC's and the local "Orangebells" are common in dry country above Tarma, above 10,000 ft, and in the low country below Talia, ca 8200 ft - 8800 ft. But I did not see either species this morning in the high humid areas. Why? Do they need a certain amount of warmth and/or sunlight during the day?

[[margin]] Pect Brun [[/margin]] Coming down the hill this morning, I found that it was quite clear, even sunny, below 9500 ft (approx.), even while it remained foggy and rainy in the area where the Pect & Bruns were found. I.E. the Pect was definitely in the cloud zone.

Most of the other species occurring in the same area as the Pect and Bruns were obviously somewhat deterred from singing themselves by all the Diglossa songs. But at least 3 spaces, the Firebelly, [[underlined]] C. homochroa [[/underlined]], and a wren did utter a few song phrases while either the Pect and/or the Bruns were singing.

[[underlined]] Pect [[/underlined]] The white moustaches and the broad white and chestnut collar (really a "bib") of the Pect are very conspicuous in the field 

Rain still heavy 4:35 pm.