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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 6, 1963, IV [circled]] 32 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Pect Brun [[/margin]] Now Bruns singing while Pect is silent. (Wrens & C. homochroa also singing). Bruns still sing more than Pect, on the average, even though they are no longer dominant. But when the 2 species do overlap, it seems just as likely (or almost as likely) that the Pect will stimulate the Bruns (ie. begin before the Bruns) as the reverse. This does not seem to be a difference from conditions yesterday. And it may be correlated with a change in dominance.

[[margin]] Pect Brun [[/margin]] Pect hops through bushes, apparently feeding on insects. Then feeds on tubular white flowers in tree. Flowers certainly same species that it is frequently visited by Bruns. Probably I have seen the local Bruns feeding on flowers in the exact same individual tree.

[[margin]] Brun Pect [[/margin]] 7:55. Pect supplants Brun, [[underlined]] way inside [[/underlined]] Brun territory. Both birds silent. Then Brun utters R-Zaza as it lands after escape (apparently alone). Then both birds just sit, silently, about 15 ft apart. Then Brun flies at Pect and draws latter back to its own territory. Chase silent. Then both birds perch, 30 yards apart, and sing silently.

So dispute is not always all one way now

I shall call this Pect "A", and the 2 Bruns "C".

Moving on 8:00 a.m., to see if I can find more Pects.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Hear Brun songs 8:05 a.m. Certainly not by C's [[written in green]] 10,150 [[/written in green]]

[[margin]] Pect [[/margin]] I forgot to mention that the A Pect uttered quite a lot of "Seeet" Notes while hopping and flying about feedings.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] [[written in green]] 10,225 [[/written in green]] 8:15. Hear a Brun singing typical songs. In same type of environment. Same open scrub edge thick ravine scrub. 

There are patches of vegetation around here that have obviously been burned fairly recently.

Exploring in the area quite a bit, without hearing or seeing a trace