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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 6, 1963, X. [[circled]] 38 [[/circled]]

any Brun territories to any very great extent. Extends over small hedges between several crop fields. While Bruns tend to stick to larger hedges (and only one hedge per bird).

[[margin]] Brun CC [[/margin]] It is obvious that the CC's here prefer more open country than the local [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]], on the average — just as in Quito 

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] Hear rapid triplet songs in neighborhood 5:40. Almost certainly CC. Bird apparently perched on stalk of maize in middle of maize field!! There were no Bruns singing anywhere around while this song was being uttered

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] Then see single CC, presumably member of same pair, feeding on blue flower as before

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] 5:55. Watching an apparently single Brun feeding in low thick scrub. Feeding on a wide variety of blue and purple flowers, a few inches to 2 ft above ground. Utters lots of single "Tut"s while feeding.

CORRECTION: One of the locals has just told me that the little town at the base of this mountain (and/or the whole neighborhood) is called Yanamayo. And that is the name indicated on the map in the hotel lobby here.

April 7, 1963
Nr Tarma
Working same place as yesterday afternoon

Arrive 5:41 am. Starts to rain!

[[margin]] Brun [[margin]] Hear first Brun songs. Typical short twitters 5:50 a.m. Uttered while Andean Sparrow is in full swing. Mostly complete overlap.

First burst Brun songs apparently over by 5:56

Arrive area where CC's were seen to feed yester day 5:58 As far as