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Mixed Diglossini, February 5, 1964, I     [[circled]] 54 [[/circled]]

humid scrub just below Pects 5:55 a.m. Cloudy. No wind. Not very cold. Occasional slight drizzle. No sign of diglossini.

Arrive main patch humid scrub ca. 6:10 a.m. Unfortunately lose my pencils – so following account is largely post-hoc (but quite accurate I think)

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Hear quite a lot of R-Zaza patterns by Bruns. Also some R's followed immediately by brief twitters. Also some patterns intermediate (throughout) between R and twitters. Suggest that there is considerable disputing among Bruns in progress.
[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]]  [[underlined]] But [[/underlined]], surprisingly enough, I [[underlined]] never [[/underlined]] heard and unmistakable pure twitter Brun "song" (alone) at any time this morning. This would suggest that twitter "songs" are an indication of activated reproductive "mood" Even when obviously hostile (as they frequently are), they may be considered "sexual fighting" (in [[Huide's?]]'s sense). Brun R-Zaza patterns remained common throughout the whole period of my observations this morning.

[[margin]] Pect [[/margin]] A few minutes later, [[underlined]] see single Pect^[[checkmark above Pect]] [[/underlined]]. Silent & alone. In tree, 8 – 10 ft. above ground. This tree is somewhat below the old B Pect area. But it is possible that the bird is, in fact a B
Catch occasional glimpses Bruns ^[[2 pairs checkmarks above Bruns]] flitting about in dense scrub single birds and (apparently) pairs (possibly just one bird chasing another).

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] 6:55 a.m.[[underlined]] see single Cy ^[[checkmark above Cy]] alone [[/underlined]]. Singing steadily, phrase after phrase, with only the very slightest pauses between successive phrases. Phrases [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] stereotyped; all essentially absolutely identical. Comme ça

[[Image – 2 long dashes drawn on the line, followed by 2 more long dashes slightly below the line, then one long dash slightly below them, finally an irregular line going up, then down, many times, and then finally trailing off in a graceful downward S-curve]]