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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 5, 1964, IV [[circled]] 37 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Cy Pect Brun [[/margin]] or the Brun is nearby. (I might add that it also never stops when it can hear Brun R-Zaza patterns.)

[[margin]] Pect Cy [[/margin]] It is obvious that the home range or territory of this Pect, at the present time, [[underlined]] overlaps completely [[/underlined]] the home range or territory of this Cy! But I am not quite sure that the reverse is true. The Pect’s home range or territory may extend further uphill than that of the Cy...

[[margin]] Cy Brun [[/margin]] It is also obvious that there is at least a partial overlap between the territory or home range of the Cy and that (or those) of at least one Brun.

[[margin]] Pect Brun [[/margin]] In spite of all the movements of the birds involved in these reactions, [[underlined]] I have never seen the Pect and the Brun(s) close to one another. [[/underlined]]

[[margin]] Cy Pect [[/margin]] The Cy finally stops singing cuz 8:35 am. A few seconds later, the Pect utters one brief burst of song from a tree only a few feet away from where the Cy had been singing. This was the only exception, this morning, to the general rule that the Cy and the Pects [[underlined]] sang from very different sites [[/underlined]] (in spite of the overlap of territories or home ranges).

[[margin]] Cy Pect [[/margin]] It seems evident that the Cy and the Pects here are not members of a special “complex” of any sort. Apparently just ignoring one another. No special hostility or elaborate methods to keep apart.

[[margin]] Cy Pect Brun [[/margin]] As far as my observations go, there is only 1 Cy here and 2 Pects. But there are certainly lots of Bruns.

[[margin]] CC Cy gen [[/margin]] To my knowledge, I have not seen CC’s in this area this trip. Did I during my previous visit? I’d there a general rule that CC’s and Cy’s do not [[underlined]] both [[/underlined]] occur in areas where [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] ssp and [[underlined]] Cafresuayei [[good guess?]] [[/underlined]] ssp. overlap???. At these relatively high altitudes, it may be too dry for Cys if it is dry enough for CC’s, and too humid for CC’s if it is humid enough for Cy’s.

Going to work at base of path leading up to Pect area this afternoon